Juliann Faucette: The J-Factor (ENnglish version)

Why is Juliann Faucette listed among the characters of the musical “Guys and Dolls” of the Westview High School? Is it a case of homonymy of is it the same Juliann Faucette who plays as an outside hitter at the Unendo Yamamay? For those who wonder, she is the very same J who wears the number 1 of Busto Arsizio volleyball team. “ Musicals is something I really like: I prefer them to regular movies or other plays. My favorite musical ever is “ Wicked” that tells the story of “The Land of Oz” from the perspective of the witches . In high school I was personally involved in a lot of musicals: singing and acting were things I used to do and love, but I didn't have a lot of time for them because of volleyball. Once, I was in the musical“Guys and Dolls” : I was a Cuban lady dancer and I had a solo where I had both to sing and dance. That was a lot of fun for me as I had all those salsa dancing parts in bright- yellow costumes ”. Yes sirs! Juliann is not only one of the most powe...